Leading on the Edge: What AI and Digital Nomadism Have in Common

Embracing the Unknown: How AI, Leadership, and a Leap Across the World Expand What’s Possible.

Twelve years in Tucson. Twelve years in Florida before that. And now, here I am, looking out at the Mediterranean, living in a country where I barely speak the language, and feeling more in control of my life and work than ever before. It feels like running away to join the (digital) circus.

The decision to move to Spain came fast—six weeks from "let’s do this" to wheels down—but in reality, we spent nine months preparing for this leap. My husband and I talked through every scenario, researched visa options, and mapped out the risks and rewards. We weren’t reacting; we were ready when the moment came.

This is the first thing digital nomadism has in common with AI-driven leadership: readiness meets opportunity. The best leaps aren’t blind—they’re bold, but they’re also informed. AI, like any major shift, feels overwhelming at first, but the more you play with it, the more you see its potential. The key? Trust the voice that says ‘leap’—and trust the voice that says ‘wait.’

The Power of the Leap

Some leaps you have to take. For us, moving to Europe wasn’t just about adventure. My husband is trans, and in the current political climate, staying in the U.S. was becoming a safety risk. That reality made the decision simple. When your gut says ‘go,’ listen. Fear of the unknown is nothing compared to regret over the opportunity you didn’t take.

Leaders face this kind of moment all the time. The world is shifting. AI is transforming industries, but hesitation keeps many from embracing it. They worry about doing it “wrong” or that it will replace human leadership. Here’s the truth: AI isn’t a replacement—it’s an expansion. Just like moving abroad expanded my life, AI expands our capabilities. The leaders who thrive will be the ones who take the leap.

The Power of the Wait

Sometimes, the voice says "wait." But waiting isn’t the same as stopping. We had already mapped out our move long before we booked the flight. We talked through the challenges, built a plan, and leaned on our strengths—my husband and I have moved over a dozen times together, and we’re great at dividing and conquering. That groundwork made the action easy when the time came.

This applies to AI adoption too. If you feel overwhelmed, maybe you just need the right partner. For me, that partner was AI itself. I used ChatGPT at every stage of this move—researching towns, refining my Spanish, even uncovering legends about mountains we passed on road trips. AI made impossible-seeming things feel infinitely more possible. And in my business, it’s been an absolute game-changer.

A pivotal moment for me was negotiating my HubSpot subscription. It was daunting, expensive, and outside my comfort zone. But with ChatGPT’s help, I strategized, built my case, and walked away with a deal that left me feeling empowered.Negotiation had always intimidated me, but now? I see it as another skill I can develop—with AI as my thought partner.

The Circus Expands the Realm of the Possible

Growing up in the circus, I learned that the unfamiliar doesn’t have to be frightening. The circus draws you in, makes the impossible seem attainable, and allows you to safely explore things that might otherwise repulse or intimidate. That’s what AI is doing for leadership—it’s expanding what’s possible, making innovation feel approachable, and giving us the tools to navigate uncertainty with confidence.

This move has also felt like a return, in more ways than one. I spent ten years as a performer, ten years running a circus, and now ten years as a consultant. When a client recently asked me, “What’s next?” I didn’t hesitate: A return to the spotlight. This leap isn’t just about a new home—it’s about stepping into a broader, global audience, embracing my role as a leader who doesn’t just coach from behind the scenes, but shares experience and insight with the world.

What’s Your Next Leap?

If you’re standing on the edge of a big change—whether in leadership, business, or life—ask yourself:

  • Is your gut saying ‘leap’ or ‘wait’? Either way, listen. The moment will come when waiting is no longer an option.

  • Do you have the right partners? Whether it’s a coach, a mentor, or even AI, who is helping you take the leap?

  • Are you resisting change out of fear? AI, like any major shift, isn’t here to replace you—it’s here to expand what’s possible.

The Mediterranean is warm and dazzling today. It’s the kind of place people escape to when they need a break, and now, it’s home. I want the same expansiveness for you. Whether it’s AI, a career shift, or a life-changing move, the future belongs to those who step forward, prepared and bold.

So tell me—what’s the biggest unknown you’ve had to navigate as a leader? Drop a comment or send me a message. Let’s talk about what’s possible.

Con todo mi aprecio,

The Festivity Freefall

Y’all. I need to tell you something, and you might brush it off because it’s still warm outside… but February will be here before you know it.

“Don’t be silly, Hanna,” you might say. “February is 4 MONTHS away!”

Trust me; they’re the fastest four months of the year — between now and then, we’ve got Halloween & Día de los Muertos, Thanksgiving, the Winter Light holidays, New Year’s, and let’s not forget the election (which I hope will be a reason to celebrate! Don’t forget to vote!).

It’s a sleigh ride through time; if you’re not careful, you’ll wake up on the other side of it a little dazed and a lot overwhelmed.

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Flying Your Freak Flag

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Celebrate the “B”

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Culture of Support

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The Fraud Police

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Coaching is for Cheaters

Why? Because she confirmed in her email what I had observed in our initial meeting — this is someone with a high degree of self-awareness that is ready to take the next step in her leadership growth. She just has a self-limiting inner voice that says she should be able to do it alone, and my mission in life is to provide a counterpoint to self-limiting inner voices.

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Berlin Chats and Breakthroughs

My sister lives in Berlin, so instead of waiting until our schedules align for a phone call, we swap voice messages. What’s especially cool is that, since it’s asynchronous, there’s no pressure — we both get to set the pace that works for us whether we’re listening or talking. I wish I could take the credit for this brilliant communication hack, but it was all her idea.

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Let It Go

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A circus is nothing if not a “strengths-based” organization. A group of people with unique and irreplaceable talents come together to build something greater than the sum of its parts. The audience is captivated by the sight of people performing these impressive feats of artistry, flexibility, and bravery.

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The Gifts of Accountability: Part 2

I spent my first couple years in management rather desperately trying to avoid the kind of confrontation necessary to hold my “problem employees” accountable for their actions. I bent over backwards to help them change, but ultimately *nothing I did* improved their patterns of problematic behavior.

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I’m someone who thinks better out loud — thinking or reading alone doesn’t provide the kind of spark that conversation does, and it rarely activates my creativity in a way that leads to the insightful connections I’m known for.

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The Gifts of Accountability

No one enjoys holding other people accountable. It is uncomfortable, annoying, and frustrating as all hell. Unsurprisingly, many of my clients struggle with this critical part of management because it feels inauthentic and at odds with the compassionate, empathetic style of leadership to which they aspire.

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Stop Arguing with Me — You ARE a Badass

I recently started coaching a small business owner for whom I am also a client. She is an absolute rock star in her profession, but her business is still very new and as we got to know each other I realized that she was exactly the kind of client I love to work with — brilliant at what she does but struggling to figure out how to grow her business in a way that supports her life.

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