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Real help for real leaders.

  • Are you a small business owner, CEO, Executive Director, middle manager, or community leader?

  • Are you often overwhelmed and exhausted juggling all that’s required of you as a leader?

  • Do you sometimes feel isolated in your role?

  • Are you eager for a steady diet of great ideas and renewed fuel as you’re making a difference in your corner of the world?

If so, then you’re in the right place.
Outstanding support is right here.

Are you ready for a collaborative ally and guide who will show you the ropes so you can fly?

Hi! I’m Hanna Miller, the Founder of Ringmaster.


What’s Ringmaster?

I created Ringmaster to share an approach to leadership and set of leadership skills I forged managing an actual circus. As you can imagine, I’m no stranger to chaos, dysfunction, and difficult personalities. After 20 years, I’ve become very effective at dealing with them.

Born from this this uncommonly tough environment, I’ve learned how develop extraordinary leaders and build incredibly strong teams, so I can help you get spectacular done.


you can work with me in 3 ways:

I work with you as your partner and confidante, providing experience, perspective, and advice for how to understand your team and lead it well.

If you’re seeking tailored guidance, Schedule your Free Introductory Call now. >>

Using a compelling and highly individualized approach, I’ll help your team find their individual strengths and work together create something spectacular.

To start shaping the team you’ve always wanted and know you need, Schedule your Free Introductory Call now. >>

Clifton StrengthsFinder is a powerful tool for self-awareness, but often a printed report isn’t enough to inspire action. I’ve worked with over 500 clients to activate their strengths - are you ready to bring your strengths to life?

Schedule your Strengths Insight Coaching Session. >>


©2025 Hanna J. Miller. All rights reserved.